
17 unusual facts about Ellis Island


In the cinematic release of The Godfather, Part II, young Vito is assigned the Corleone surname while passing through immigration at Ellis Island.

David MacKay McGoun

On 15 June 1918, McGoun left Liverpool and landed at Ellis Island, New York on the 25th.

Golden Door

Ellis Island, the "golden door" through which many immigrants to the USA passed

Herschel Lewis Austin

Austin gained something of a reputation as a leftwing firebrand while in Parliament, and some years later was detained on Ellis Island by US immigration for a number of days on suspicion of being a communist, at the height of the McCarthyist movement in the USA.

History of Hampshire

The old name appears as the place of embarkation of many of the immigrants into Ellis Island.

J. Barry Griswell

He has been inducted into the Iowa Business Hall of Fame, is a recipient of the United Way of Central Iowa Alexis de Tocqueville Society award, a 2004 recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, a 2004 recipient of the Central Iowa Philanthropic Award for Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser, and a 2006 recipient of the Business Committee for the Arts Leadership Award as well as a 2008 recipient of the American for the Arts Corporate Citizenship in the Arts Award.

Jay Triano

He is of Italian descent through his great-grandfather, who landed on Ellis Island, then made his way to Welland, Ontario.

Jimmy Kinnon

For medical reasons he was separated from his parents on Ellis Island for three and a half days.

John Veltri

He made photographic studies of a number of subjects, including the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Jimi Hendrix' Electric Lady Studio, and New York's 37th Street, exhibited at the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

José Perelló Torrens

Other data of interest are that Jose Perelló Torrens emigrated to America, arriving at Ellis Island (New York) on February 14, 1917 aboard the ship "Antonio Lopez" that had left the port of Valencia.

Mollie Steimer

Eventually she relented, but again refused to be transported to Ellis Island until a railroad strike was resolved, since she would not use a train run by strike breakers.

Ten days later the strike was called off and Steimer was transported to Ellis Island.

Restoration of the Statue of Liberty 1984–86

The report also discussed ways to streamline ferry access both to and from Liberty and Ellis Island.

Stas Maliszewski

After processing through Ellis Island, they settled in Davenport, Iowa, where they were sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church.

Stephen Wilkes

Stephen Wilkes is an American photographer known foremost for his series of abandoned structures such as at Ellis Island and the former Bethlehem Steel factory both which he has captured as a lost world caught in a sort of visual amber.

Will Scheffer

His writing credits include Big Love: In the Beginning, Ellis Island, Duck Town, Easter (film), In the Gloaming, The Pact and Citizen Baines.

Wladek Zbyszko

In the same month, he was briefly detained at Ellis Island and photographed by chief clerk Augustus F. Sherman.

Dillingham Flaw

Named after its chairman, U.S. Senator William P. Dillingham of Vermont, the Dillingham Commission over a 4-year period listened to testimony from civic leaders, educators, social scientists, and social workers and made on-site visits to Ellis Island and New York City’s Lower East Side.

Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society

The organization ran shelters for recent Jewish immigrants at Castle Garden, New York's immigration center at the Battery prior to the 1892 opening of the facility at Ellis Island; Wards Island near the meeting point of Manhattan, The Bronx and Queens; and Greenpoint in Brooklyn.

Jill Enfield

This work was featured in tandem with the annual Black Tie Gala for the charity organization Upwardly Global, at a 2009 exhibition on Ellis Island, New York.

Michael J. Wytrwal

At the age of 14, Wytrwal immigrated to the United States through Ellis Island, and moved to Amsterdam, a city located in Montgomery County, New York, just in time for the initial stellar growth of the booming textile, carpet and rug-making industries, powered by the rushing waters of the Chuctenunda Creek into the Mohawk River.

SS West Humhaw

The Ellis Island ship database records that West Humhaw made a number of voyages from 1919 through the early 1920s from various ports in Europe, such as Danzig, Poland; Hamburg, Germany; Plymouth and London, England; and Pauillac, France, to New York.

Tom Geismar

His projects include such major tourist attractions as the Ellis Isand Immigration Museum, the Statue of Liberty Museum, the Truman Presidential Library, and the redesigned Star-Spangled Banner exhibition at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.