
8 unusual facts about Chatham Islands

Charles William Andrews

He noticed the connections among widely separated flightless rails of Mauritius, the Chatham Islands and New Zealand and deduced that their flightless character had been independently evolved on the spot.


The largest of the New Zealand species Dolomedes schauinslandi or Rangatira spider occurs in the Chatham Islands, where it occurs on rodent-free islands where running water is rare.

Galatea, New Zealand

He was transported as a prisoner to the Chatham Islands when he soon became the leader of the prisoners.

Haliotis iris

Black foot paua is the largest abalone species found in New Zealand and is most commonly found in shallow cool waters at depths less than 6 m all around mainland New Zealand, Stewart Island, and the Chatham Islands.

Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage project

Moriori, the Indigenous people of Rekohu (Chatham Islands, New Zealand) have developed a multi-layer database to integrate research on Moriori identity, cultural heritage protection, land use, and resource management in culturally sensitive ways.

Monodilepas diemenensis

Sculpture is coarser, like otagoensis, shape a cross between monilifera and skinneri Finlay, not so high as the former, not so elongate and parallel-sided as the latter, which is from the Chatham Islands (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 59, p. 236, Fig. 59, 1928).

Tuku Nature Reserve

The Tuku Nature Reserve lies in the Tuku-a-tamatea (Tuku) River Valley in the south-west of the island of Rekohu, the main island in New Zealand’s Chatham Islands group in the south-west Pacific Ocean.

Tylexocladus villosus

It is found in rocky deep-sea habitats around the Chatham Islands, New Zealand.

Asplenium oblongifolium

A. oblongifolium is found on the North, South, Chatham and Kermadec Islands, and is found from the coast to the mountains.

Cadulus teliger

It can be found from the Three Kings Islands to the Chatham Islands, at depths of between 15 and 360 m, and lives off the Auckland Islands at depths of approximately 170 m.

Climbing galaxias

Their distribution extends to coastal streams in southeastern Australia from Adelaide and Kangaroo Island in South Australia, through coastal Victoria including Wilsons Promontory, Tasmania, Flinders and King Islands and up the New South Wales coast to around Sydney, as well as New Zealand including the Chatham, Auckland and Campbell Islands.

Jasus edwardsii

Jasus edwardsii is found around most of the coast of New Zealand, including the three main islands, the Three Kings Islands, the Chatham Islands, the Snares Islands, the Bounty Islands, the Antipodes Islands and the Auckland Islands.

New Zealand outlying islands

The two exceptions are the Chatham Islands, which form a special territorial authority (island council) themselves, and the Solander Islands, which are part of the Southland Region and Southland District.


R. sapida, known as the nikau palm, is the only palm native to mainland New Zealand, and is found in lowland forests on the North Island, in coastal areas of the South Island as far south as Banks Peninsula, and on the Chatham Islands at 44°S.

Rosemary Rock

It is a breeding site for a small colony, only discovered in 1983, of about 20 pairs of Northern Buller's Albatrosses (Thalassarche bulleri platei), the only known breeding site for the subspecies away from the Chatham Islands.

Wellington Hospital, New Zealand

The Hospital is a tertiary referral centre for the lower half of the North Island and the upper half of the South Island, including the Chatham Islands.

see also

History of Chatham Islands numismatics

The notes have the map of the Chatham Islands at left of the under-print and Chatham Islands Taiko at right.

Jonathan Meiburg

After a year spent in such diverse places as the Falkland Islands, Tierra del Fuego, the Aboriginal settlement of Kowanyama in Australia, the Chatham Islands of New Zealand, and the Inuit settlement of Kimmirut in Baffin Island, Canada, he enrolled at the University of Texas at Austin, where he earned a master's degree in Geography and wrote a thesis titled "The Biogeography of Striated Caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis)".