
unusual facts about Chebyshev

Spearman's rank correlation coefficient

Chebyshev's sum inequality, rearrangement inequality (These two articles may shed light on the mathematical properties of Spearman's ρ.)

Chebyshev distance

On a grid (such as a chessboard), the points at a Chebyshev distance of 1 of a point are the Moore neighborhood of that point.

Elliptic filter

where Rn is the nth-order elliptic rational function (sometimes known as a Chebyshev rational function) and

Pafnuty Chebyshev

One of nine children, Chebyshev was born in the central Russian village of Okatovo near Borovsk, to Agrafena Ivanova Pozniakova and Lev Pavlovich Chebyshev.


For some filter classes, such as the Butterworth filter, the insertion loss is still monotonically increasing with frequency and quickly asymptotically converges to a roll-off of 6n dB/8ve, but in others, such as the Chebyshev or elliptic filter the roll-off near the cut-off frequency is much faster and elsewhere the response is anything but monotonic.

Samuil Shatunovsky

Engineering however did not attract Shatunovsky and he dedicated himself to mathematics, voluntarily attending lectures by Chebyshev.

see also