Beecher's uses various cheese cultures when mixing cheeses, so a cheddar cheese produced by Beecher's may use cultures not normally intended for cheddar cheese production.
When young, it is sweet and mild; after aging, it tastes somewhat like a mild Limburger or cheddar, and has been compared to a Danish Tilsit.
Cheese crystals usually consist of calcium lactate, especially those found on the outside, on younger cheese, and on Cheddar cheese.
There are currently four different styles of Chreese powder mixes with a modified version for children: "Cheddar Style" and gluten-free cheddar style (used in grilled cheese sandwiches), "Mozzarella Style" (used on pizza), "Gluten Free Alfredo Style", and "KIDz Chreese" (less garlic and bright orange color).
Dianthus gratianopolitanus - the Cheddar Pink - was chosen as the County flower of Somerset in 2002 following a poll by the wild flora conservation charity Plantlife.
It is used to describe the loss of Father Philip Eno's state of mind to the Widow Gilhooley when the priest refers to cheddar cheese as John Cleese.
Lockerbie (cheddar cheese) - the largest dairy plant in Scotland, off the A709 near the River Annan
The witenagemot is known to have met in at least 116 locations, including Amesbury, Calne, Cheddar, Gloucester, London and Winchester.