
unusual facts about Chester Arthur

Article Two of the United States Constitution

Tyler's precedent made it possible for Vice Presidents Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Chester Arthur, Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, and Lyndon Johnson to ascend to the presidency (Gerald Ford took office after the passage of the Twenty-fifth Amendment).

Daniel Maynard Burgess

Burgess died within minutes of giving final instructions on the publication of his memoir, in which he reminisces about numerous acquaintances of note including Presidents Grant, Arthur and Cleveland; Generals Winfield Scott, Philip Sheridan, and Robert E. Lee; Daniel Webster, Mark Hanna, Roscoe Conkling, William Tweed, Charles Dana, F. Hopkinson Smith, and King Edward VII of the United Kingdom.

Vice President's Room

Six years later, following President James Garfield’s assassination, Vice President Chester Arthur took the presidential oath of office here with two former presidents, Ulysses S. Grant and Rutherford B. Hayes, among those attending the ceremony.

see also