Winchester currently resides in Chickasha, Oklahoma with her husband, Oklahoma Supreme Court Justice James R. Winchester, and their son.
Susan Winchester, born in Chickasha, Oklahoma, earned her bachelor's and master's degrees at the University of Oklahoma.
Winchester currently resides in Chickasha, Oklahoma, with his wife, State Representative Susan Winchester and their son, Davis.
Born in Washington, D.C., the son of Jed Joseph Johnson and Beatrice Luginbyhl Johnson, Johnson attended public schools in Chickasha, Oklahoma, and Friends Seminary in New York City.
It also operates translators K276ET (103.1 FM) in Seminole, K250AU (97.9 FM) in Ada and 106.9 in Chickasha.
Middleberg (sometimes also spelled as Middleburg) is an unincorporated community in Grady County, Oklahoma, United States, located on the old alignment of US Highway 62 between Blanchard and Chickasha.
Experiment stations currently operate in the Oklahoma cities of Stillwater, Goodwell, Woodward, Bessie, Lahoma, Haskell, Perkins, Chickasha, Fort Cobb, Altus, Mangum, Tipton, Lane, Bixby, and Idabel.