
3 unusual facts about China trade

China trade

Old China Trade, the commerce between China and the United States in the late 18th and early 19th century

Meissen porcelain

The Chinese had mastered the production of porcelain long before the west became aware of it, and by the seventeenth century oriental porcelain had become a valuable export commodity in the China trade.

Thomas Bird Mosher

Thomas B. Mosher was the son of Mary Elizabeth Merrill and Benjamin Mosher, a captain of merchant ships engaged in the China trade during the age of sail.

Edward King House

Edward King was the largest landowner in town by 1860, having made his fortune through the China Trade.

see also

China–Britain Business Council

Sir David Brewer, Former Lord Mayor of the City or London, became CBBC Chairman in 2007, and has continued to push forward CBBC's contribution to UK-China trade and business exchange, and he has now, through his career, made well over 100 trips to China.

Robert Waln

Born in Philadelphia, he received a limited schooling, engaged in mercantile pursuits and in East India and China trade, was a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature for several years, and was a member of the city council of Philadelphia, serving as president of the select council.

Xinru Liu

Her book, "Ancient India and Ancient China: Trade and Religious Exchanges, A.D. 1-600" won the award for Outstanding Research Works done between 1977-1991 from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.