
unusual facts about Chinese Communist Party

Central Financial Work Commission

The Central Financial Work Commission (CFWC, Zhongyang jinrong gongzuo weiyuanhui (traditional 中央金融工作委員會) (simplified 中央金融工作委员会)) was created in 1998 to supervise the Chinese financial system on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and to prevent deviations on the part of CCP-appointed managers.

China Hands

Colonel David Barrett and John S. Service reported favorably on the strength and capabilities of the Chinese Communist Party compared with the Chinese Nationalists.

China National Offshore Oil Corporation

CNOOC has been accused of participating in the persecution of Falun Gong by collaborating with the Chinese Communist Party to send Falun Gong CNOOC employees to labour camps and mind-control facilities, reducing their pay and preventing them from receiving benefits (or regular wages) unless they renounce their beliefs.

Clarence Stewart Williams

In 1926, the Kuomintang allied with the Chinese Communist Party to launch the Northern Expedition with the objective of unifying the country by suppressing local warlords and abrogating the unequal treaties imposed on China by the Western powers.

Hou Bo

Ms.Hou joined the Chinese Communist Party at the age of fourteen and spent seven years in Yan'an, where she became the photographer of the top leadership.

Internet police

Chinese Communist Party leader Hu Jintao has declared the party's intent to strengthen administration of the online environment and maintain the initiative in online opinion.

Jilin City No.1 High School

In 1931, after Japan occupied Manchuria, Chinese Communist Party agents secretly developed a cell on campus, a student-led patriotic group named the "Society for Mutual Aid" (互濟會).

Larry Catá Backer

Backer argued that the Chinese constitutionalist state differs from the Western model in that the CCP plays a central role in the Chinese constitutional order.

Li Fusheng

After achieving this he would decide to move away from football and join the Chinese Communist Party where he went to the Central Party School and then the PLA National Defense University to become a Colonel before he took on a position at the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution where he was the deputy director in charge of cultural relics.

Tibetan American

From 1958 to 1960, Anthony Poshepny trained various special missions teams, including Tibetan Khambas and Hui Muslims, for operations in China against the Communist government.

Zhang Ruimin

In 2002, Zhang was appointed to the 16th CPC Central Committee's alternate committee, a position that does not hold any real power or responsibility.

see also

James Endicott

James Gareth Endicott (1898–1993), the son, Dr. James Endicott, missionary to China, an outspoken supporter of the Chinese Communist Party