
3 unusual facts about Choiseul

Clement Kengava

He represents a constituency on the island of Choiseul, and has served as Minister for Rural Development and Indigenous Affairs and as Minister for Health and Medical Services.

Ferguson John

From 1997 until 2006 he was the parliamentary representative for Choiseul and Saltibus and the Minister for Physical Development, Environment and Housing of Saint Lucia.

Hermann Busenbaum

At Toulouse in 1757, though the offending sections were repudiated by the heads of the Jesuit colleges, the Medulla was publicly burned, and the episode undoubtedly led the way to the duc de Choiseul's attack on the Jesuits.

Antoine de Sartine

Antoine de Sartine inherited a strong French Navy, resurrected by Choiseul after the disasters of the Seven Years' War (in which France had lost Canada, Louisiana, and India); a resurrected French Navy which would later defeat the British Navy in the War of American Independence.

Choiseul Pigeon

The Choiseul Pigeon was not searched for again until briefly in 1927 and again in October 1929, when five veteran collectors belonging to the Whitney South Seas Expedition dedicated three months to searching for the pigeon in multiple locations across Choiseul without success.

Jean-Jacques Barthélemy

The Committee of Public Safety, however, were no sooner informed by the Duchess of Choiseul of the arrest than they gave orders for his immediate release, and in 1793 he was nominated librarian of the Bibliothèque Nationale.


Piaye is a community on the island of Saint Lucia; it is located on the southern coast, near Balembouche and Bongaloin the constituency of Choiseul, and shares its name with a nearby river.


In July 1944, VMB-413 began operating from Munda from where they began to raid both Kahili and Choiseul on a regular basis until October 18, 1944 when they moved to Emirau.

see also