
4 unusual facts about Chowdur


Two years later, in 1221, the Mongol conquest pushed the Turko-Iranian Oghuz tribes including the Choudur from the Syr Dara region into the Kara Kum area and along the Caspian Sea.

Many Choudur appear to have stayed on the Mangyshlak Peninsula from then through the Timurid and the Shaybanid Uzbek periods, beginning the Turco-Mongol transformation of these originally Turko-Iranian people.

The Kalmuks moved into the Mangyshlak Peninsula, the Sayin Khan confederation broke up and the Choudur ended up southeast of Khiva loosely confederated, but under the authority of the Yomud.

Most of them were members of the Imir, Dukur, Düker (Döger), Igdir, Chavuldur, Karkin, Salor or Agar (Ajar) tribes.


see also