
2 unusual facts about Chris Donald

Chris Donald

Chris, together with his brother Simon and a schoolfriend Jim Brownlow, set-up Viz in December 1979 from a bedroom in Newcastle.

Graham Dury

Having previously worked engineering cacti at the University of Leicester, Dury was the first cartoonist to be offered a full-time job at Viz by co-creator Chris Donald in April 1988, when royalties began to make the magazine a profitable business.

Elmer Edward Solly

Solly eventually made his way to Florida, where he assumed the identity of Vinnie Taylor (aka Chris Donald), lead guitarist of the rock 'n' roll revival group Sha Na Na.

Mr Logic

Mr. Logic was inspired by Chris Donald's own brother, Steven, who was much later diagnosed with Asperger syndrome.

see also

Graham Dury

As the success of the comic book grew he became a member of the so-called Viz editorial cabinet, theoretically headed by Chris Donald, but which also included - for most of its run - Dury, Simon Donald and Simon Thorp.