
unusual facts about Christian Democratic Union

Archive for Christian Democratic Policy

The Archive for Christian Democratic Policy (ACDP) at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, established in 1976 on the initiative of Heinrich Krone, Bruno Heck and Helmut Kohl, is the central archive of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of Germany.

Ashkan Dejagah

Charlotte Knobloch, President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, and Ronald Pofalla, General Secretary of the Christian Democratic Union, demanded that Dejagah be excluded from Germany's national team.

Brandenburg state election, 2009

Entering the election, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and Christian Democratic Union (CDU) governed together in a grand coalition headed by Minister-President Matthias Platzeck (SPD).

Buchenwald Resistance

The main members were Hermann Brill of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) as chairman, Dr. Werner Hilpert from the Zentrumspartei, later the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Ernst Thape from the SPD and Walter Wolf of the Communist Party (KPD).

Eckart von Klaeden

Eckart Peter Hans von Klaeden (born 18 November 1965 in Hanover, Lower Saxony) is a German politician of the Christian Democratic Union, serving as Minister of State at the German Chancellery since 28 October 2009 (after the German federal election, September 2009, Angela Merkel formed a black-yellow coalition and her Cabinet Merkel II).

Georg Dertinger

After World War II Dertinger co-founded the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in the SBZ (Soviet Occupied Zone) of Germany.

Hartmut Honka

Since 1996, Hartmut Honka is a member of the Christian Democratic Union and the Young Union.

Heinrich von Brentano

Heinrich von Brentano di Tremezzo (6 June 1904 – 14 November 1964) was a German politician of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

Hermann Pünder

Hermann Josef Pünder (born 1 April 1888 in Trier; died 3 October 1976 in Fulda) was a German politician in the German Centre Party and the Christian Democratic Union.

Joachim, Count of Schönburg-Glauchau

Immediately after the fall of the wall in 1990, he returned to his homeland in Saxony, and from 1990 to 1994, served as a member of the Bundestag for the representative district, which included the communities of Glauchau, Rochlitz, Hohenstein, Ernstthal and Hainichen, in Saxony, for the Christian Democratic Union.

Karl A. Lamers

Karl A. Lamers (born 12 February 1951 in Duisburg) is a German politician of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), currently serving as Deputy Chairman of the Defence Committee of the German Parliament.

North Rhine-Westphalia state election, 2012

The Christian Democratic Union nominated Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen to lead their campaign in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Notizen aus der Provinz

Like Hildebrandt's later program, Scheibenwischer, the Notizen were frequently attacked by conservative politicians, most notably by those of the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU) and the Christian Democratic Union which served only to increase its popularity.

Public opinion on climate change

For example, France's center-right President Chirac pushed key environmental and climate change policies in France in 2005–2007, and conservative German administrations (under the Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union) in the past two decades have supported European Union climate change initiatives.

see also


Heiner Geißler (*1930), politician (Christian Democratic Union (CDU)), had his office in Dahn


Norbert Lammert (born 1948), German politician of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU)

North Rhine-Westphalia state election, 2005

For much of 2004, there had been speculation that if the opposition Christian Democratic Union were to win this election, they would gain a two-thirds majority in the national upper house, the Bundesrat, and force a new election for the Bundestag by making the country ungovernable for Gerhard Schröder's coalition.


Amongst the groups represented in the local politics one can find the CDU (Christian Democratic Union), the SPD (German Socialist Party), the Green Party, and the UWG (Independent Voter Community).


14 seats in the local parliament are held by the CDU (Christian Democratic Union), 7 are held by the BI (local citizens' initiative), 4 by the SPD (Social Democrats) and one each by the FDP (Free Liberals) and the Greens.