Hermann Josef Pünder (born 1 April 1888 in Trier; died 3 October 1976 in Fulda) was a German politician in the German Centre Party and the Christian Democratic Union.
On 28 November 1945, he was appointed Lord Mayor of Cologne by the British military government, an office which he held until 1948.
After his death in Fulda, he was buried in the Melaten-Friedhof in Cologne.
He was an honorary member of the Studentenverbindung A. V. Rheinstein Köln, which is in the Cartellverband der katholischen deutschen Studentenverbindungen, and of the Studentenverbindungen Katholischer Studentenverein Askania-Burgundia Berlin and Urach Freiburg, in the Kartellverband katholischer deutscher Studentenvereine.
Hermann Göring | Hermann Hesse | Hermann von Helmholtz | Hermann Nitsch | Hermann Hauser | Hermann Bondi | Hermann Zapf | Hermann Tilke | Hermann Emil Fischer | Walther Hermann Richard Horn | Robert Hermann Schomburgk | Otto Hermann Kahn | Hermann Volrath Hilprecht | Hermann Scherchen | Hermann-Paul | Hermann Kesten | Hermann | Fallschirm-Panzer Division 1 Hermann Göring | Hermann Trophy | Hermann Oberth | Hermann Muthesius | Hermann Joseph Muller | Hermann Goetz | Hermann Cohen | Hermann and Dorothea | Paul Hermann | Hermann Weyl | Hermann von Fehling | Hermann von Eichhorn | Hermann Sudermann |