
unusual facts about Christian Democrats

Förbifart Stockholm

The Centre Party, Liberal People's Party, Christian Democrats, Moderate Party, and Social Democratic Party were in 2010 supportive of the road project, while the Green Party and Left Party were opposed to it.

Geneva Citizens' Movement

In the federal election of October 2011, the MCG won one of Geneva's eleven seats in the National Council, with Mauro Poggia (b. 1959), formerly of the Christian Democrats and also the Italian Union of Christian and Centre Democrats.

Honduran general election, 2005

There were five presidential candidates; Carlos Sosa Coello (Innovation and Unity Party), Porfirio Pepe Lobo (National Party), Manuel Zelaya (Liberal Party), Juan Almendares (Democratic Unification Party) and Juan Ramón Martínez (Christian Democrats).

Next Finnish parliamentary election

The incumbent government is formed by a six party coalition, composed of the National Coalition Party, Social Democratic Party, Left Alliance, Green League, Swedish People's Party and the Christian Democrats as well as the MP for Åland.

Robert Zollitsch

His election was welcomed by many German figures and groups, including Chancellor Angela Merkel, Lutherans, Social Democrats, and Christian Democrats.

see also

Gyula Horn

EP President Martin Schulz, former German foreign minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, President János Áder, former presidents László Sólyom and Pál Schmitt, Archbishop Péter Erdő and former parliamentary speaker Katalin Szili were also in attendance, as well as representatives of the Socialist party, Fidesz, Christian Democrats, PM and DK, among others.

Hordaland County Municipality

The county council has 57 members, and Chairman of the County Council is Torill Selsvold Nyborg (Christian Democrats) while her deputy is Tom-Christer Nilsen (Conservative).

Independent Democratic Union

It was during the university strikes of 1960's when Jaime Guzmán, President of the Law Students Union at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile -who was against the protests and strikes, led by Christian-democrats and left-wing students- gathered a group of students and founded the Movimiento Gremial (Guildist Movement) and ran for the University's Student Union (Federación de Estudiantes) election.

Leena Rauhala

In 2004, Rauhala was a candidate for the Chair of the Christian Democrats, finishing third behind Päivi Räsänen and Peter Östman.

Liberal-Popular Union

The "Manifesto for a Good Politics" (Manifesto per una buona politica) was signed by most Christian democrats of Forza Italia, including Claudio Azzolini, Maria Burani, Cesare Campa, Giuseppe Cossiga, Maurizio Lupi, Adriano Paroli, Roberto Rosso and Gustavo Selva, and also by Maurizio Sacconi, a former Socialist.

Nicolò Carandini

Not being able to gain the support of the party-centre, in early 1948 Carandini and a group of leading left-wing liberals left the PLI, assembling first in the Rinascita Liberale movement and, later that year, founding the Movimento Liberale Indipendente (MLI), which aimed on creating a Third Force alliance of all center-left democratic parties and groups as a lay counter-part of dominating Christian Democrats.


Within Christian democracy the use of the name People's Party is widespread, so that European Christian democrats decided to name European People's Party their party in 1976.