An American television sitcom Cracking Up derived its title from his book with that title and included a main character, Dr. Bollas, played by Henry Gibson.
Those teachers and figures whom he knew and who helped diversify his thinking were Arnold Modell, John Bowlby, Andre Green, Herbert Rosenfeld, Joseph J. Sandler, J.
He was the first Honorary Non Medical Consultant at the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis, Visiting Professor in Psychoanalysis at the Istituto di Neuropsychiatria Infantile of the University of Rome from 1978 to 1998, Director of Education at the Austen Riggs Center from 1985–1988 and one of the literary editors of the works of D.W. Winnicott.
As an undergraduate Bollas studied intellectual history with Carl Schorske, psychoanalytical anthropology with Alan Dundes, and psychoanalytic critical theory with Frederick Crews.
The title of the program and the name of the psychiatrist, Dr. Bollas, are comic allusions to Christopher Bollas, a psychoanalyst, and to his book Cracking UP (Routledge, 1996).
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