Christopher Columbus | John Marshall | Marshall Islands | Marshall | Marshall Plan | Christopher Walken | Christopher Lee | Thurgood Marshall | Marshall Space Flight Center | Christopher Wren | Christopher Plummer | Christopher Reeve | Christopher Lloyd | Marshall McLuhan | Penny Marshall | Christopher Lambert | Christopher Kasparek | Christopher Hogwood | Christopher Marlowe | Christopher Hitchens | Marshall Crenshaw | John Marshall Harlan II | Christopher Guest | Christopher | Marshall Amplification | George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies | Christopher Tolkien | Alfred Marshall | John Marshall Harlan | Christopher Isherwood |
Notable Free Quakers at the early meetings included Samuel Wetherill, who served as clerk and preacher; Timothy Matlack and his brother White Matlack; William Crispin; Colonel Clement Biddle and his brother Owen Biddle; Benjamin Say; Christopher Marshall; Joseph Warner; and Peter Thompson.