
4 unusual facts about Christopher Mayhew

Christopher Mayhew

Under the guidance of his friend Dr Humphry Osmond Mayhew ingested 400 mg of mescaline hydrochloride and allowed himself to be filmed for the duration of the trip.

However, in 1966, after the Wilson government decided to shift British airpower from carrier-based planes to land-based planes and cancel the CVA-01 aircraft carrier programme, Mayhew resigned along with the First Sea Lord, Sir David Luce.

David Luce

He served as First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff in the mid-1960s and in that role resigned from the Royal Navy along with Navy Minister Christopher Mayhew in March 1966 in protest over the decision by the Labour Secretary of State for Defence, Denis Healey, to cancel the CVA-01 aircraft carrier programme.

Nicholas Stacey

In 1946, he became a member of the post-war reconstruction committee, working with Nicholas Kaldor, Leonard Woolf and Christopher Mayhew.

see also