He has lectured and delivered invited papers in a number of venues, including Vanderbilt University, George Washington University, the University of Michigan, Brown University, Duke University, Tel Aviv University, Baylor University and the University of Wisconsin.
Rollston has published articles in a number of refereed journals, including the Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, the Journal of Biblical Literature, Near Eastern Archaeology, Antiguo Oriente, Israel Exploration Journal, Tel Aviv, and MAARAV.
Professor Christopher Rollston points out that there is no mention of any personal names or titles and no place names in the document.
Christopher Columbus | Christopher Walken | Christopher Lee | Christopher Wren | Christopher Plummer | Christopher Reeve | Christopher Lloyd | Christopher Lambert | Christopher Kasparek | Christopher Hogwood | Christopher Marlowe | Christopher Hitchens | Christopher Guest | Christopher | Christopher Tolkien | Christopher Isherwood | John Christopher | Christopher Fry | Christopher Alexander | Christopher Kane | Christopher Hatton | Christopher Banks | Dennis Christopher | Christopher Wordsworth | Christopher Larkin | Christopher Cockerell | Christopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center | George Christopher | Christopher Wheeldon | Christopher Nolan |