They include The Ship of Death by Lawrence (1933), Primeval Gods by Christopher Sandford (1934), Ecclesiastes and A Crime against Cania, both for the Golden Cockerel Press and both 1934, and Address by Abraham Lincoln at the Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysberg (1936), an unillustrated book printed by Hughes-Stanton at the Gemini Press in an edition of 50 copies, not for sale, the final publication of the press.
Christopher Sandford (1902-1983) of Eye Manor, Herefordshire, was a book designer, proprietor of the Golden Cockerel Press, a founding director of the Folio Society, and husband of the wood engraver and pioneer Corn dolly revivalist, Lettice Sandford, née Mackintosh Rate.
Christopher Columbus | Christopher Walken | Christopher Lee | Christopher Wren | Christopher Plummer | Christopher Reeve | Christopher Lloyd | Christopher Lambert | Christopher Kasparek | Christopher Hogwood | Christopher Marlowe | Christopher Hitchens | Christopher Guest | Christopher | Christopher Tolkien | Christopher Isherwood | John Christopher | Christopher Fry | Christopher Alexander | Christopher Kane | Christopher Hatton | Christopher Banks | Sandford | Frankie Sandford | Dennis Christopher | Christopher Wordsworth | Christopher Larkin | Christopher Cockerell | Christopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center | George Christopher |
She was a daughter of Lachlan Mackintosh Rate of Milton Court, Surrey, a director of the Imperial Ottoman Bank, the central bank of the Ottoman empire, and wife of Christopher Sandford of Eye Manor, Herefordshire, proprietor of the Golden Cockerel Press, for which she provided wood-engravings.