Developing Web sites since 1993, Christopher interned for both David Siegel and Lynda Weinman in the mid-90s while he was an undergraduate at Florida State University (FSU) working on a fine arts degree with an emphasis on graphic design.
Don Harlow posted a message to the Auxlang List on 5 August 2006, mentioning its appearance in the "CSS Cookbook" from O'Reilly by Christopher Schmitt, and in templates of webpages which implement CSS.
Christopher Columbus | Christopher Walken | Christopher Lee | Christopher Wren | Christopher Plummer | Christopher Reeve | Christopher Lloyd | Christopher Lambert | Christopher Kasparek | Christopher Hogwood | Christopher Marlowe | Christopher Hitchens | Christopher Guest | Christopher | Christopher Tolkien | Christopher Isherwood | John Christopher | Christopher Fry | Carl Schmitt | Christopher Alexander | Christopher Kane | Christopher Hatton | Christopher Banks | Dennis Christopher | Christopher Wordsworth | Christopher Larkin | Christopher Cockerell | Christopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center | George Christopher | Christopher Wheeldon |