An other person, named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, self-identified manager of the company that allegedly produced the film, is identified by a security official.
A DHS report released on September 11 and reported by Fox News on September 19 indicated that a web statement incited "sons of Egypt" to pressure America to release Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman (the so-called "blind sheikh) "even if it requires burning the embassy down with everyone in it.
The US consulate in the suburbs of Berlin, Germany, is briefly evacuated due to suspicions over the contents of an envelope.
The Age of Innocence | The Age of Innocence (1993 film) | chronology | Bengali Muslims | Songs of Innocence and of Experience | Chronology of Soviet secret police agencies | Chronology | Arab Muslims | The State of Innocence | the innocence mission | The 500 Most Influential Muslims | Innocence Project | Identical Remote Controlled Reactions | Greek Muslims | Auguries of Innocence | The Loss of Sexual Innocence | The Innocence Mission | Tales of Innocence | Return to Innocence | Oil Campaign chronology of World War II | Minoan chronology | Light-dependent reactions | Innocence Unprotected | Innocence of Lizette | Innocence Is No Excuse | Ill Innocence | Goan Muslims | Dioxygen in biological reactions | Chronology of Ukrainian language bans | Ceremony of Innocence |