In 1952, after graduating from high school, Dunaway obtained his first full time on-air radio job at KBST in Big Spring, Texas, at the rate of 65 cents an hour, where he remained for one year before joining KPRC in Houston as a staff announcer in 1953.
After a brief time in Galveston and Freeport, Dunaway returned to Houston and his hometown favorite station KNUZ as a DJ.
In the early nineteen-sixties, Dunaway was asked to take over the programming duties at KBOX in Dallas, but soon after the station's number one competitor, KLIF-AM, enticed him to work for the legendary Gordon McLendon at KLIF-AM doing afternoon drive.
Dunaway occupied the afternoon drive slot at every radio station he worked at during his 35 year career, including radio KILT-AM Houston, KLIF-AM Dallas, WKY Oklahoma City, WABC (AM) New York City and WIXY Cleveland.
Chuck Berry | Chuck Norris | Faye Dunaway | Chuck Jones | Chuck | Chuck (TV series) | Chuck D | Chuck Schumer | Chuck Close | Chuck Grassley | Chuck Liddell | Chuck Connors | Chuck Hagel | Chuck Yeager | Chuck Palahniuk | Chuck Prophet | Chuck Swindoll | Chuck Woolery | Chuck Redd | Chuck Klosterman | Chuck E. Cheese's | Chuck Carney | Chuck Ragan | Chuck McCann | Chuck Mangione | Chuck Leavell | Chuck Jackson | Chuck Girard | Chuck Barris | The Adventures of Chuck and Friends |