Douglass was a member of St. Christopher's Episcopal Church in Boulder City and served as a Junior Warden from 1955 to 1960.
The wardens, Beverley Robinson and Charles Moore, decided to establish a parish to the north, in the area known as Four Corners, to serve families in that area.
War artist Eric Kennington (1888–1960), who was churchwarden, is buried here.
Kennington is buried in the churchyard in Checkendon, Oxfordshire, where he was churchwarden and is commemorated on a memorial in Brompton Cemetery, London.
A member of the Council of the Diocese and also Chairman of Committees (Church Assembly and Synod) for many years a lay clerk (Honorary Reader) and Vice President of the Cathedral Choir Association, and Vicars Churchwarden at All Saints, St Kilda.
He has been Churchwarden of Romsey Abbey (1991–95) and their extensive charity support includes Wooden Spoon, Naomi House, l’Arche Belfast, Arthritis Care (NI) Association, Lyric Theatre and Camerata Ireland.
For a year beginning Easter 1895, and again in 1904, Shumack was elected a churchwarden at St John's, Canberra.
In 1882, there was a major restoration called by a former churchwarden "the beautifying of the church": the galleries were removed, the arcade work was added to the sanctuary and the East window filled with stained glass designed, by the vicar’s son (Romaine Walker) and made by Clayton Bell, representing Christ in Majesty.
The famous painter William Frederick Yeames, who at one time was this building's churchwarden, is thought to have done the wall paintings in the chancel.
The words of commencement and the words "by any constable or churchwarden" were repealed by section 1 of, and Schedule 1 to, the Statute Law Revision Act 1948.