In the first encounter Bona and her chief counsellor, Cicco Simonetta, were victorious, and Ludovico and his brothers were made to leave the city.
It was only a century later that a scientific treatise entirely devoted to cryptanalysis was written by the French mathematician François Viète.
His notes were anticipated by Leon Battista Alberti in his theoretical, but more comprehensive treatise De Cifris, which earned him the title of Father of Western Cryptology.
Simonetta Stefanelli | Cicco Simonetta | ''Portrait of Countess Simonetta Cavazzi della Somaglia'' (1660s) by Pierfrancesco Cittadini, Museum of John Paul II Collection |
He made an enemy of Bona of Savoy's consellor Cicco Simonetta and was forced into exile together with Ludovico Sforza, and was condemned to death by beheading in absentia and his goods were confiscated and given to Ercole d'Este.