
unusual facts about Cilia



In this case a genetic condition had affected cilia in their bodies which normally enabled them to detect air-borne chemicals, and an adenovirus was used to implant a working version of the IFT88 gene into defective cells in the nose, which restored the cilia and allowed a sense of smell.


The parapodia are also covered with cilia, which produce a minute water current that pushes the planktonic food to the mouth of the animal.


It is a microtubule-dependent motor ATPase and has been reported to be involved in the movement of respiratory cilia.


The order Holotricha was erected in 1859 by Friedrich Stein, who developed a system of classification in which ciliates were categorized according to the type and distribution of their cilia.


Ciliary action pushes the mucus in a film over the surface of the gill slits, trapping suspended food particles as it does so.

Martin Cilia

The Atlantics have gone on to record many of Cilia's songs, which have appeared on various Atlantics records, in feature film soundtracks, surf movies, and PlayStation games.

Mertensia ovum

In addition to being weakly bioluminescent in blues and greens, comb jellies produce a rainbow effect similar to that seen on an oil slick, and which is caused by interference of incident light on the eight rows of moving cilia or comb rows which propel the organism.

Pyrosoma atlanticum

Water is moved through the gill slits into the centre of the cylinder by cilia pulsating rhythmically.


The first ribozymes were discovered in the 1980s by Thomas R. Cech, who was studying RNA splicing in the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila and Sidney Altman, who was working on the bacterial RNase P complex.

Sabellastarte spectabilis

Cilia on the tentacles cause currents in the water and organic particles are caught as they float past.

see also