On July 18, 1865 they departed from San Lorenzo in Banale, advanced through Val d'Ambiez and having passed over the Forcolotta di Noghera approached the mountain over the vedretta d'Ambiez through the south-east slope along the trajectory that constitutes nowadays the 'Via Normale'.
The guide Enrico Giordano from Molveno accompanied the Italian novelist and poet Antonio Fogazzaro to the summit of Cima Tosa in 1890.
Tosa Province | Tosa | Tosa Kuroshio Railway | Tosa Domain | Tosa-Taishō Station | ''Tosa Nikki'' faithfully copied by Fujiwara no Teika | Tosa Kuroshio Railway Nakamura Line | Tosa Kuroshio Railway Asa Line | ''The Healing of Anianus'' by Cima da Conegliano | "Kechibi from the ''Tosa Obake Zōshi |