
unusual facts about CimaVax-EGF

Lung cancer vaccine

CimaVax-EGF, the first therapeutic cancer vaccine developed to target lung cancer.


EGF | CimaVax-EGF |


The best-understood receptors that are found concentrated in coated vesicles of mammalian cells are the LDL receptor (which removes LDL from circulating blood), the transferrin receptor (which brings ferric ions bound by transferrin into the cell) and certain hormone receptors (such as that for EGF).


Panitumumab (INN), formerly ABX-EGF, is a fully human monoclonal antibody specific to the epidermal growth factor receptor (also known as EGF receptor, EGFR, ErbB-1 and HER1 in humans).


Growth factors such as FGF2, HGF, EGF, VEGF, neuregulins and others interact with syndecans 1, 2, 8.

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