
unusual facts about Cintel

Color grading

Older systems are: Renaissance, Classic analog, Da Vinci Systems's: The Whiz (1982) and 888; The Corporate Communications's System 60XL (1982–1989) and Copernicus-Sunburst; Bosch Fernseh's FRP-60 (1983–1989); Dubner (1978-1985?), Cintel's TOPSY (1978), Amigo (1983), and ARCAS (1992) systems.


Cintel |

Film chain

The introduction of the Rank Cintel Mark III flying spot scanner and Bosch Fernseh FDL60, called a telecines, paved the way to shift from projector based transfer to a more gentle system, continuous transport motion, that allowed the easy transfer of negative film and print film and thus the decline of film chains.

see also