
unusual facts about Circuit City Stores

Circuit City Stores, Inc. v. Adams

Justice David Souter joined all sections of Stevens' dissent besides a critique of previous decision of the Supreme Court in arbitration case law.

A Tale of Two Cities: The Circuit City Story

The documentary chronicles the entire 60-year history of the Richmond-based retailer, Circuit City.

Fry's Electronics

Historically, Circuit City and CompUSA were major competitors, but they collapsed during the late-2000s recession, leaving Best Buy as Fry's main competitor.

Just What I Needed

Now-defunct electronics store chain Circuit City used this song in their commercials from 1998 until their demise in 2008.

Lissa Endriga

As a model, she has been featured in several modeling and commercial campaigns including Samsung, Mazda, Circuit City Stores, BF Goodrich Tires, Karla G, Ed Hardy, Nike Shoes, Project 2011, Kawasaki, PlayStation and different products internationally.


On May 13, 2009, Circuit City announced it would sell its intellectual property, including its trademarks, brand name, and internet domain, to Systemax for $14 million.

see also