
unusual facts about Circumstantial evidence

Otilio Montaño Sánchez

A "Revolutionary Tribunal" was formed and Palafox and Soto presented evidence which was for the most part circumstantial.

David T. Wilentz

Wilentz built his case against Hauptmann on mostly circumstantial evidence, supported by both eyewitness and expert witness testimony.

Peter Dupas

An inquest into Halvagis's death before coroner Graeme Johnstone heard circumstantial evidence in the case against Dupas in relation to the murder;

see also

Cesare G. De Michelis

Carlo Ginzburg, while acknowledging this, points to extensive circumstantial evidence that there were individuals in France who may have wished to produce such a document and had Joly's source text.

İbrahim Bilgen

American author and journalist Ali Abunimah has reported a claim by Sheikh Raed Salah, a leader of the Islamic Movement in Israel who was also on board the Mavi Marmara, that Bilgen may have been deliberately targeted for execution by Israeli forces who mistook him for Raed Salah, and lists some pieces of circumstantial evidence that support this claim.

Joji Obara

Former prosecutor Takeshi Tsuchimoto, now a professor of criminal procedure law at Hakuoh University Law School, criticised the decision to acquit Obara for the murder of Lucie Blackman by pointing to the conviction of Masumi Hayashi due to circumstantial evidence.

Kenneth S. Stern

In a review in Reason, Dave Kopel concludes that he "does not come remotely close to showing that militia members encouraged McVeigh to do anything illegal", but uses circumstantial evidence, guilt by association and undocumented quotes that turn out to be false.

L.A. Confidentiel

The book contains circumstantial evidence of cyclist Lance Armstrong having used performance enhancing drugs.

Michelson-Morley Memorial Fountain

This experiment proved the non-existence of the luminiferous ether and was later cited as circumstantial evidence in support of special relativity as proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905.

Murder conviction without a body

In the 2001 murder of Danielle Jones, the required circumstantial evidence was provided by forensic analysis of text messages sent by the accused, her uncle Stuart Campbell, who was convicted of her murder in December 2002.

Powhatan Courthouse Historic District

There is strong circumstantial evidence that it is the work of Alexander Jackson Davis.

San Francisco Express Times

One member of the editorial collective of Good Times, a resident of the Good Times Commune named Richard Gaikowski (1936–2004), has been identified by the History Channel's 2009 television program MysteryQuest as a possible suspect in the unsolved San Francisco Zodiac Killer case, although there is only circumstantial evidence (including alleged clues planted in Good Times) tying him to the case.

Satoshi Nakamoto

In October 2011, investigative journalist Adam Penenberg cited circumstantial evidence that identified Neal King, Vladimir Oksman and Charles Bry.

Thomas Tew

One theory is that he was born in Maidford, Northamptonshire, England before immigrating to the colonies as a child with his family, although there is only a little circumstantial evidence for this.