
unusual facts about Cisalpine Gaul

Cisalpine Gaul

Vulso's army was ambushed twice, and the Senate sent Scipio with an additional force of in support.

Lex Cornelia de maiestate

The Law was designed to prevent both corruption and rebellion of governors, but was thwarted just 4 years later in 77 BC during the revolt of Lepidus, a rogue proconsul who left his province of Cisalpine Gaul with his army and marched towards Rome.

Lucius Caecilius Metellus Calvus

First Calvus used to be a Praetor, later a Consul and Governor of Hispania in 142 BC, where he fought, without success, against Viriathus, then he became a Proconsul of Cisalpine Gaul in 141 BC, and in 140 BC—139 BC he was a Legate.

see also

Military campaigns of Julius Caesar

During the spring of 56 BC the Triumvirate held a conference at Luca (modern Lucca) in Cisalpine Gaul.