
5 unusual facts about Cistus

Collingwood Ingram

He also raised numerous other new garden plants, including many Rhododendron and Cistus hybrids.

Geography of Cyprus

Over most of the island untilled ground bears a grazed covering of garrigue, largely composed of low bushes of Cistus, Genista sphacelata, Calycotoime villosa, Lithospermum hispidulum, Phaganalon rupestre and, locally, Pistacia lentiscus.

Hyacinthoides paivae

 paivae occurs in oak woodland and pine woods growing over Ulex, Erica cinerea and Cistus spp.


An interesting case is that of the strict association of selected Lactarius species - such as L. tesquorum and L. cistophilus - with Cistus spp.

Cistus species are obligate seeding, early colonizers that follow disturbance, particularly fire, in low maquis-type Mediterranean ecosystems, rendering their ectomycorrhizal ecology particularly intriguing.

C. monspeliensis

Cistus monspeliensis, the Montpelier cistus, a plant species native to southern Europe and northern Africa

see also