It was initially written by the comedy writing team of Galton and Simpson, who based the characters very much on the "Sidney Balmoral James" and "Bill Kerr, the dim-witted Australian" roles that they had played in Hancock's Half Hour.
James Bond | James Joyce | James Brown | James Cook | James Stewart | James II of England | James Garner | James | James Cameron | James Taylor | James Madison | James May | Henry James | James Cagney | James II | James Caan | James Earl Jones | LeBron James | James Monroe | James Franco | James I | William James | James Wyatt | James, son of Zebedee | James Dean | James A. Garfield | Etta James | Jesse James | James Mason | Clive James |
His other television work included Angel Pavement, The Gentle Killers, The Infernal Machine, Focus, Citizen James, Dixon of Dock Green and Hadleigh.