
unusual facts about City of Chester

Guilden Sutton

The local MP is Stephen Mosley, Conservative, as Guilden Sutton is part of the City of Chester constituency.

Woodbank, Cheshire

Woodbank is within the parliamentary constituency of the City of Chester, represented by the Conservative MP Stephen Mosley.

see also

Chester Square

Chester Square is named after the city of Chester, near to which Eaton Hall – the ancestral home of the Grosvenor family – is situated.

Dee Valley Water

In 1838 the City of Chester Waterworks company was established inheriting an intake at the causeway - now called Chester Weir and elsewhere in the city.

Justice of Chester

Within the County Palatine (which encompassed Cheshire, the City of Chester, and Flintshire), the Justice enjoyed the jurisdiction possessed in England by the Court of Common Pleas and the King's Bench.