
unusual facts about Civil law

Canadian contract law

Quebec, being a civil law jurisdiction, does not have contract law, but rather has its own law of obligations that is codified in the Quebec Civil Code.

History of Quebec French

The Quebec Act of 1774 granted many of the requests of the Canadians, who up until then, had been petitioning the British crown for the restoration of French civil laws and guarantees as to the usage of their language and faith.

Johan Munck

He has authored several books and articles related to criminal and civil law.

Joseph Khoury

He became a specialist in the history of contemporary atheism and subsequently earned a doctorate in canon and civil law at the Pontifical Lateran University.

Monastery of Our Lady of Jordan, Oregon

In 1904, Cistercian monks were forced to abandon the Fontgombault Abbey in Indre-et-Loire, France, after a 1901 secularist-driven French law had given the government control over non-profit associations and threatened the existence of monasteries.

Real property

English law has retained the common law distinction between real property and personal property, whereas the civil law distinguishes between "movable" and "immovable" property.

Scots law

Although there was some indirect Roman law influence on Scots law, via the civil law and canon law used in the church courts, the direct influence of Roman law was slight up until around the mid-fifteenth century.

Thirty-third Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland

The High Court is a court of first instance with general original jurisdiction, hearing the most important cases in civil law and criminal law (in the latter case sitting as the Central Criminal Court).


For example, at the McGill University Faculty of Law in Montreal, Quebec, Quebec civil law and Canadian common law are taught at the same time in the same courses in a non-comparative manner.

see also

Adolf Reinach

Besides his work in the area of phenomenology and philosophy in general, Reinach is credited for the development of a forerunner to the theory of speech acts by Austin and Searle: Die apriorischen Grundlagen des bürgerlichen Rechtes (The A Priori Foundations of Civil Law) is a systematic treatment of social acts as performative utterances and a priori foundations of civil law.

Anton Rintelen

Rintelen was the son of a well-known lawyer and studied law at University of Graz from 1894 to 1898, at which pointed he began lecturing in civil law at the university.

Antonia Ax:son Johnson

She has been awarded the honorary degree of doctor of civil law, Bishop's University, Canada, as well as a doctor of humane letters, Middlebury College of Vermont.

Bachelor of Civil Law

In Oxford, the degree of Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) is a taught postgraduate degree in English law, occupying a similar position as the Master of Laws (LLM) programmes of other British universities, but specifically for common law degree holders.

Chula De Silva

Educated at Royal College Colombo, he gained a B.A. from the University of Ceylon and was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship (to the University of Oxford) where he gained a degree of Bachelor of Civil Law.

David Sheepshanks

Sheepshanks is the founder Chairman of the ITFC Education and Sports Trust, a founder trustee of the Community Foundation for Suffolk, Patron of the Ipswich and East Suffolk branch of the Samaritans and President of the Ipswich Citizens Advice Bureau and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Civil Law by the Suffolk College.

Framing hammer

Norman Spaulding, a professor of civil law, has treated the framing hammer as a discursive metaphor for the Erie doctrine of United States law's reversal of the case Swift v. Tyson, which decided whether federal courts, when deciding matters not specifically addressed by the state legislature, had the authority to develop a federal common law.

Francesco Accarigi

He was then appointed, by the grand duke Ferdinand I, to lecture upon the civil law in general, after the manner of Jacques Cujas.

Frederick Ponsonby, 3rd Earl of Bessborough

He was educated at Christ Church, Oxford, and obtained the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Civil Law.

Isaac Henderson

After an early education in private schools and under tutors, he graduated from Williams College with the degrees of Bachelor and Master of Arts, and Doctor of Civil Law.

Johannes Platschek

In 1993, he began his legal studies at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (first state legal examination, 1998; second state legal examination, 2000; doctorate in 2003, summa cum laude); starting in 2004, he worked as a postdoctoral assistant at the University of Munich's Leopold Wenger Institute for Legal History, where he finished his habilitation in 2009 (in Roman Law, Civil Law, Ancient Legal History, and the history of private law in modern times).

John Ayliffe

Ayliffe's treatise has been described as dull, tedious, and confused (Arthur Browne in his Compendious View of the Civil Law, p. ii).

John Malcolm Duhé, Jr.

Several distinguished members of the bar clerked for Duhé, including Washington College of Law (American University) professor David Snyder, and Ernest Metzger, the Douglas Professor of Civil Law at the University of Glasgow in Scotland.

José Enrique Arrarás

Back in Puerto Rico, he obtained his L.L.B. law degree (Magna Cum Laude and Valedictorian) at the University of Puerto Rico in 1963, received his Doctor in Civil Law (Magna Cum Laude) from the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain in 1971.

Jus gentium

The 2nd-century Roman jurist Ulpian, however, divided law into three branches: natural law, which existed in nature and governed animals as well as humans; the law of nations, which was distinctively human; and civil law, which was the body of laws specific to a people.

Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider

Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider (born 11 July 1940, in Hütten bei Gellin, Province of Pomerania, Germany (now Sitno, Szczecinek County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland) is a Professor Emeritus in public-, and civil law at University of Erlangen" in Nuremberg, Germany.

Lee Ann Martin

Judge Martin studied law at the Panthéon-Assas University, France in 1991, obtaining a civil law degree and practising in France before returning to Winnipeg.

Melbourne McTaggart Tait

Born in Melbourne, Canada East, studied at St Francis College and received a Bachelor of Civil Law degree from McGill University in 1862.

Paulus Castrensis

His most complete treatise is his readings on the Digest, and it appears from a passage in his readings on the Digestum Vetus that he delivered them at a time when he had been actively engaged for forty-five years as a teacher of civil law.

Pharmacy benefit management

New York's attorney general, Eliot Spitzer, filed suit against the PBM Express Scripts, alleging breaches of its $600,000 contract and violations of civil law resulting in the state being defrauded of up to $100 million over five years.

Pierre Patrix

His grandfather was a native of Beaucaire (Provence), who, having been in Caen in 1521, when the Parliament of Rouen sent some of its members to reform the University, was chosen by them, although he only was a Bachelor of Laws at the time, to be appointed as a professor of civil law.

Radulph of Rivo

He studied in various parts of Europe: in 1362 in Italy, between 1367-1375 at the Paris Sorbonne university and Orléans, where he studied canon and civil law.

Roberto A. Abad

The late Chief Justice Roberto C. Concepcion, then University of Santo Tomas (UST) faculty of civil law dean, recruited Abad from the OSG in 1978 to teach political law at the UST.

Rory Brady

He studied law in University College Dublin, receiving a Bachelor of Civil Law Degree in 1978.

Salvador Milà i Solsona

Since then, he has been working as a lawyer in Mataró, specializing in administrative, urban development and civil law.

Searches for Noah's Ark

In 1876, James Bryce, historian, statesman, diplomat, explorer, and Professor of Civil Law at Oxford, climbed above the tree line and found a slab of hand-hewn timber, four feet long and five inches thick, which he identified as being from the Ark.

Société par actions simplifiée

The SAS is also similar to the limited company in the British law, and most other hybrids; though the hybrid in civil law countries is quite different because there is also a hybrid of common law principles applied.

Swiss Civil Code

It was largely influenced by the German civil code, and partly influenced by the French civil code, but the majority of comparative law scholars (such as K. Zweigert and Rodolfo Sacco) argue that the Swiss code derives from a distinct paradigm of civil law.

Swiss law

It was largely influenced by the German civil code, and partly influenced by the French civil code, but the majority of comparative law scholars (such as K. Zweigert and Rodolfo Sacco) argue that the Swiss code derives from a distinct paradigm of civil law.

Ugo Mattei

Ugo Mattei (born 1961 in Turin, Piedmont) is the Alfred and Hanna Fromm Professor of International and Comparative Law at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, in San Francisco, California and a full Professor of Civil Law in the University of Turin, Italy.


Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, the supreme court in all matters under English law, Northern Irish law and Scottish civil law

William Rothery

William Rothery (1775 – 1864), was chief of the office of the king's proctor in Doctors' Commons - a society of lawyers practising civil law in London.

Y. Venugopal Reddy

Reddy was awarded Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa) by Sri Venkateswara University, India; and Doctor of Civil Law (Honoris Causa) by the University of Mauritius.