
unusual facts about Classified information


Specific mission profiles are still Classified information, however the system did send data back to the UK in a procedure called "reach back" and BAE Systems claims that the deployment was a success.

Constitutional Court of Italy

Since 12 October 2007, when reform of the Italian intelligence agencies approved in August 2007 came into force, the pretext of state secret cannot be used to deny access to documents by the Court.

Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of China

More recently, in 2003, Chinese-American Federal Bureau of Investigation source and Republican Party fundraiser Katrina Leung was arrested and accused of being a double agent for both the FBI and the Chinese government, although she was acquitted of charges of copying classified information, and convicted only of tax charges and of lying to the FBI.

see also

1995 in LGBT rights

2 – U.S. President Bill Clinton signs Executive Order 12968, which bans discrimination based on "sexual orientation" as it establishes uniform policies for allowing government employees access to classified information.

2013 Department of Justice investigations of reporters

Jeffrey Sterling, a former CIA employee, was indicted for allegedly revealing classified information to journalist James Risen.

David Henry Barnett

Additionally, he handed over a great deal of classified information gathered by the CIA on a clandestine operation, code-named HA/BRINK, that had focused on the acquisition of examples of Soviet military hardware sold to the Indonesians during the Sukarno era, including an SA-2 guidance system, designs for the Whiskey class submarine, the Riga class frigate, the Sverdlov class cruiser, the P-15 Termit anti-ship missile and the Tu-16 Badger bomber.

David Wurmser

On September 4, 2004, the Washington Post reported that FBI counterintelligence investigators had questioned Wurmser, along with Feith, Harold Rhode, and Paul Wolfowitz about the passing of classified information to Ahmad Chalabi and/or the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.


Classified information has been governed by various Official Secrets Acts, the latest being the Official Secrets Act 1989.

Helen MacInnes

Her 1944 book, The Unconquerables carries such an accurate portrayal of the Polish resistance that some thought she was using classified information given to her by her husband.

Iraqi aluminum tubes

A substantial part of the story was based on deliberate leaking of classified information to the Times reporters by Scooter Libby, the chief of staff of Vice President Dick Cheney.

James Cartwright

However, in June 2013, it was made known (by unspecified legal sources) that he had been placed under a U.S. Justice Department investigation, in its early stages, having to do with an alleged leak of classified information regarding the Stuxnet virus, designed to target and (at least temporarily) disable Iranian nuclear centrifuges, as part of Operation Olympic Games.

Ji Pengfei

In 1999, his son, Ji Shengde, a senior member of the People's Liberation Army intelligence, was arrested and tried for corruption, selling classified information and diverting public funds, and was sentenced to death penalty.

Marine Corps Brig, Quantico

Over the years, there were some prominent inmates at the Brig, including John Hinckley, Jr., a would-be presidential assassin, Clayton J. Lonetree, the Marine Security Guard who provided classified information to the KGB while stationed at the U.S. Embassy, Moscow from 1984 to 1986, and Rayful Edmond, largely credited with introducing crack cocaine into the Washington, D.C., area.

Multiple single-level

N.b. that the term "high-assurance" as employed here is to be evaluated in the context of DCID 6/3 (read "dee skid six three"), a quasi-technical guide to the construction and deployment of various systems for processing classified information, lacking both the precise legal rigidity of the Orange Book criteria and the underlying mathematical rigor.

State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration

Risen declined to do so both times, but in January 2011, it was revealed that former CIA agent Jeffrey Alexander Sterling had illegally leaked classified information to Risen about the agency's involvement in Iran's nuclear program.

William H. Pauley III

Among his notable decisions was that involving Ben-ami Kadish, a U.S. national who pleaded guilty to passing classified information to Israel.

William Welch II

Sterling was indicted in December 2010 under the Espionage Act of 1917 on charges he had violated national security provisions by disclosing classified information to a New York Times journalist, James Risen, specifically being information used in the book State of War.