
2 unusual facts about Stuxnet

James Cartwright

However, in June 2013, it was made known (by unspecified legal sources) that he had been placed under a U.S. Justice Department investigation, in its early stages, having to do with an alleged leak of classified information regarding the Stuxnet virus, designed to target and (at least temporarily) disable Iranian nuclear centrifuges, as part of Operation Olympic Games.

Jeffrey Carr

Jeffrey Carr does not agree with many experts about the origin of the Stuxnet worm believing it to come from China and not a joint US-Israel venture.


Stuxnet |

Indian National Satellite System

American cyber warfare expert Jeffrey Carr, who specialises in investigations of cyber attacks against government, mentioned in his interview with The Times of India, that the reason for this power glitch may have been an infection by the sophisticated Stuxnet worm.

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