
unusual facts about Claudia Bandion-Ortner

11681 Ortner

It is named after Johannes Ortner, founder of a space science and technology summer school in Alpbach, Austria.

2008 Austrian government formation

Judge Claudia Bandion-Ortner (well-known to the public from the Konsum and BAWAG cases) became non-party justice minister, deputy president of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Reinhold Mitterlehner became economics minister and Burgenland state councillor Niki Berlakovich became agriculture minister.

Eric Ortner

In September 2001, Eric Ortner was profiled by Bob Dotson on Today and in a PoynterOnline article chronicling Ortner's experiences as a volunteer EMS during and following the September 11 attacks.

Jon Ortner

Ortner attended University of Kansas, in Lawrence, Kansas, where he studied Photography, Eastern Philosophy, and Systematics and Ecology.

Windansea Beach

The Windansea Surf Club featured was founded by Chuck Hasley in 1962, and included members such as The Endless Summer star and first Vice President Mike Hynson, Skip Frye, Joey Cabell, Del Cannon, Mike Purpus and Rusty Miller, Andy Tyler, Tom Ortner, Brew Briggs, Chris O'Rourke, Richard Kenvin, Miko Fleming, Debbie Beacham, Peter King, Saxon Boucher, Randy Lind, Ian Rotgans, "Big George" Felactu & Longboard Larry.

see also