In August 2012, Lee was cast in the Universal Studios film Kick-Ass 2, which was based on the second volume of the Kick-Ass comic book series by Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr. The film, directed by Jeff Wadlow, was released in August 2013.
She was then cast in a short film, The Circus Girl, as Elizaveta, a young Russian villain who is traveling with a struggling circus family.
Determined that she would learn to speak Polish, her parents sent her to school in Poznań, Poland for one month every summer for five years.
Harlow is one of the mean girls, perfectly manicured, well dressed, and a real girlie-girl with an acerbic tongue, partnered with Claudia Lee's, Brooke, and Ella Purnell's, Dolce.
Robert E. Lee | Spike Lee | Jerry Lee Lewis | Bruce Lee | Peggy Lee | Lee Konitz | John Lee Hooker | Christopher Lee | Lee | Stan Lee | Lee Kuan Yew | Jamie Lee Curtis | Ang Lee | Washington and Lee University | Tim Berners-Lee | Lee Hsien Loong | Lee Strasberg | Stewart Lee | Rickie Lee Jones | Lee Marvin | Lee Greenwood | Gypsy Rose Lee | Fort Lee, New Jersey | Brenda Lee | Lee Harvey Oswald | Tommy Lee | Tommy Lee Jones | Lee Ranaldo | Dolores Lee | Claudia Schiffer |