
3 unusual facts about Cleveland Bridge

Cleveland Bridge

Named after the 3rd Duke of Cleveland, it spans the River Avon at Bathwick, and enabled further development of Georgian Bath to take place on the south side of the river.

It was designed by architect Henry Goodridge to take the traffic of his day, horse-drawn vehicles and pedestrians, and was constructed using the warm golden Bath Stone and an elegant cast-iron arched span.

James Wharton

Since Wharton has visited the country, companies such as Cleveland Bridge in Darlington have directly benefited from Sri Lankan investment: in May 2013, the renowned structural engineering company was awarded a £35 million contract from the Sri Lankan Government to produce 210 bridges for jungle and rural areas across the island country.

Kessock Bridge

Designed by German engineer Hellmut Homberg and built by Cleveland Bridge, it is similar to a bridge across the Rhine in Düsseldorf.

see also

James Colgate Cleveland

The second occasion on which Cleveland's constituents expressed their appreciation was the construction of the James C. Cleveland Bridge in Berlin, New Hampshire in 1982.