
5 unusual facts about Cleveland Hall

Cleveland Hall

Cleveland's Hall and Blacksmith Shop, a historic site in the community of Attica, Wisconsin

Cleveland Hall, London, a meeting hall in London that was a center of the British secularist movement between 1861 and 1878

Cleveland Hall, London

In the 1870s and 1880s various groups of political refugees came to London, including French communards, German socialists, Russian Jews and Italian anarchists such as Tito Zanardelli.

In 1870 the Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle noted that the Reverend Charles Adolphus Row was delivering a course of lectures in defence of the gospel at Cleveland Hall, Fitzroy square, the former secularist center.

The Girls' Club was a great success, but in the fall of 1895 Mary and Emmeline Pethick left the mission to set up their own Espérance Club for girls.

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