
6 unusual facts about Cliff Michelmore

Duncan Pryde

Later British journalist Cliff Michelmore filmed a feature about Pryde for British television in 1970.

Fyfe Robertson

In 1986 he experienced a heart attack shortly after appearing as a guest on This is Your Life for Cliff Michelmore.

Investiture of the Prince of Wales

On the evening of 28 June 2009—to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the investiture—BBC Parliament broadcast a repeat of the original BBC TV colour outside broadcast from 1 July 1969, fronted by Cliff Michelmore and Richard Baker.

Sparkie Williams

He was recorded talking with budgie expert Philip Marsden on BBC radio, and appeared on the BBC Tonight programme with Cliff Michelmore.

United Kingdom general election, 1964

The election night was broadcast live on the BBC, and was presented by Richard Dimbleby, with Robin Day, Cliff Michelmore and David Butler.

United Kingdom general election, 1966

The election night was broadcast live on the BBC, and was presented by Cliff Michelmore, Robin Day, Robert McKenzie and David Butler.

see also