
4 unusual facts about Clifton Suspension Bridge

Alistair Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 9th Marquess of Londonderry

later, she committed suicide on 13 August 1993 by jumping off Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Bristol International Balloon Fiesta

In 2003, the weight of crowds returning from the Balloon Fiesta and Ashton Court festival put such a great strain on the Clifton Suspension Bridge that it was decided to close the bridge to all traffic, including pedestrians, during these events from 2004 onwards.

Kelham Island Quarter

The apartments of the development enjoy riverside views and occupy buildings named Clifton, Millau, and Rialto after the famous bridges.

Rebecca Pantaney

She was chosen to be one of the torchbearers for the 2012 Summer Olympics torch relay, carrying the torch across the Clifton Suspension Bridge into Bristol.

British Constructional Steelwork Association

Wrought iron construction of bridges in the UK was later pioneered by Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Clifton Suspension Bridge and Royal Albert Bridge) and Robert Stephenson, son of George (Newcastle's High Level Bridge).

Thomas Cockcroft

He was wounded in action at Clifton Suspension Bridge during a Luftwaffe attack on the Bristol Aeroplane Company factory at Filton on the night of 25 September 1940, in which 168 bombs were dropped in 45 seconds, killing 131 people.

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