
3 unusual facts about Cloaking device

Cloaking device

A prototype Metascreen is a claimed invisibility cloak, which is just few micrometers thick and to a limited extent can hide 3D objects from microwaves in their natural environment, in their natural positions, in all directions, and from all of the observer's positions.

Inspired in part by the 1958 film Run Silent, Run Deep, Star Trek screenwriter Paul Schneider imagined cloaking as a space-travel analog of a submarine submerging, and employed it in the 1966 Star Trek episode "Balance of Terror".

Invisibility Cloak

Cloaking device is a technology for partial or full invisibility to parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Technology in Star Trek

Discovery Channel Magazine stated that vanishing spaceships, faster-than-light travel and dematerialized transport were only dreams at the time the original series was made, but physicist Michio Kaku believes all these things are possible.

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