The parish is named after the patron saint, Saint Andrew, who is also the basis of the name for Barbados' highest national award "The Order of Saint Andrew" and also the shape of the cross formed by two sugar cane stalks in the national Coat of Arms of Barbados.
As the patron saint of Barbados, Saint Andrew is celebrated in a number of Barbadian symbols including the cross formation of the Barbadian Coat of Arms, and the country's national honours system which styles persons as Knights or Dames of St. Andrew.
Barbados | coat of arms | Saint Michael, Barbados | Birmingham Small Arms Company | Coat of arms | Coat of Arms | Cardiff Arms Park | College of Arms | Remington Arms | Hollywood Arms | Arms and Sleepers | arms | A Farewell to Arms | Winchester Repeating Arms Company | Strategic Arms Limitation Talks | Serjeant-at-Arms | Sergeant at Arms of the United States House of Representatives | Robson Arms | Christ Church, Barbados | Browning Arms Company | Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway | Walther arms | Serjeant at Arms of the British House of Commons | Saint Thomas, Barbados | Saint Philip, Barbados | Royal Small Arms Factory | Leliwa coat of arms | Wildey, Saint Michael, Barbados | The World in His Arms | Sergeant at Arms of the United States Senate |