
3 unusual facts about Cocolo


It is also a term used to refer to people from Anglophone and Francophone Caribbean in Spanish-speaking countries and the Cocolos of San Pedro de Macorís, Puerto Plata and the Samaná Peninsula in the Dominican Republic.

In the Dominican Republic, "Cocolo" is used only to refer to Caribbean descendants who came to the cities of San Pedro de Macorís, Puerto Plata, and other areas to work on the docks and sugar cane plantations at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries.

The usage, outside of the specific ethnicity of the Cocolos of San Pedro de Macorís, is vague, and at times the word can mean all blacks or all the poor of any race or those that identify with the Afro-Latino culture and music, such as Salsa and other Spanish Afro-Caribbean musical genres.


see also