
2 unusual facts about Codex Sangermanensis

Codex Sangermanensis

Codex Sangermanensis designated by Dabs1 or 0319 (in the numbering Gregory-Aland), α 1027 (Soden), is a tenth-century diglot manuscript, formerly in the library of St. Germain des Prés, Paris, hence its name Sangermanensis, "of Saint Germanus".

The St. Germain Library was suffered severely during the French Revolution, and Peter Dubrovsky, Secretary to the Russian Embassy at Paris acquired this manuscript together with many other manuscripts stolen from the ecclesiastical libraries.

see also

Codex Sangermanensis I

In 1865, Johann Gildemeister (1812-1890), later Professor of Oriental Languages at the University of Bonn, personally discovered that dormibunt was the last word of one leaf of the Codex Sangermanensis and primus (with a small P) the beginning word on the next leaf - but that one leaf which had once been between them had been cut out of the Codex.