
3 unusual facts about Cognos


These contracts came under scrutiny from the State Ethics Commission and the office of state Inspector General Gregory Sullivan when several conflicts of interest surrounding Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives Salvatore DiMasi and his accountant Richard Vitale came to light.

Leslie Kirwan

She testified that DiMasi had an unusually persistent interest in the Commonwealth's acquisition of a data-collection software package from Cognos.

Vintage Wings of Canada

Vintage Wings was created by former Cognos CEO and founder Michael Potter, following his retirement from the company.


Cognos |

Cognos Reportnet

ReportNet is developed by Canada’s Ottawa based business intelligence (BI) and performance management solutions company Cognos (formerly Cognos Incorporated), an IBM company.

Cognos ReportNet was awarded the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) 2005 Codie Awards for the "Best Business Intelligence or Knowledge Management Solution" category.

IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence

Office component lets users work with IBM Cognos content in their familiar Microsoft Office environment.

Salvatore DiMasi

According to the Boston Globe "DiMasi and three of his close friends and associates are the subjects of the Ethics Commission probe and other investigations relating to large payments the associates received from Cognos ULC..." an IBM owned company based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, with a United States headquarters in Burlington, Massachusetts.

see also