
unusual facts about Coherence

Coherent effects in semiconductor optics

Coherent denotes the fact that the material excitations have a well


Coherence |

Brain connectivity estimators

The above measures provide information on the directionality of interactions in terms of delay (correlation) or coherence (phase), however the information does not imply causal interaction.

Kizhakeyil Lukose Sebastian

His research topics include path integral representation of Fractional Brownian motion, ring closing opening dynamics in polymers, first passage time calculation in phase space, energy transfer between molecule and graphene, quantum coherence etc.

Poetic transrealism

Transrealism in poetry or uchronism, according to this poetic movement's father, the Chilean poet Sergio Badilla Castillo, is created upon a transposition of time, which means that temporary scenes merge, in the textual corpus, and in this way linear coherence between the past, the present and the future is interrupted and reality turns into a kind of derivation or timeless link to a beyond-time, where poetic pictures and actions are represented or performed.

Southern Nilotic languages

They are generally divided into two groups, Kalenjin and Omotik–Datooga, although there is some uncertainty as to the internal coherence of the Kalenjin branch.

The Vulcan Dub Squad

The LP comes on like a meld of Arthur Lee's Love, The Smiths and The Kinks, The Wedding Present and Thor's Hammer (60s legends from Iceland), while at the same time offering transitional coherence reminiscent of 50/60's Bollywood scores.

Weak central coherence theory

Uta Frith, of University College London, first advanced the weak central coherence theory in the late 1980s.

Williams v Natural Life Health Foods Ltd

Distinguished academic writers have criticised the principle of assumption of responsibility as often resting on a fiction used to justify a conclusion that a duty of care exists: see Barker, 'Unreliable Assumptions in the Modern Law of Negligence' 1993 109 LQR 461; Hepple, 'The Search for Coherence' (1997) Current Legal Problems, Vol 50, 67, at 88; Cane, Tort Law and Economic Interests 2nd ed.

see also