
3 unusual facts about Cohors I Aelia Dacorum

Cohors I Aelia Dacorum

Frere argues that these awards were made by the emperor Caracalla (M. Aurelius Severus Antoninus, r. 211-17), in order to secure the British regiments' loyalty after the assassination of his brother and co-emperor Geta, who enjoyed wide popularity in the army.

According to Holder, the regiment was transferred to Britain immediately after it was recruited, in accordance with a general imperial policy of deploying auxiliary units from recently conquered (or pacified) regions to other parts of the Empire in order to assure their loyalty (e.g. 7 British regiments, raised during the Flavian period (71-96), are attested as deployed in Dacia in the reign of Hadrian).

The regiment was transferred from Dacia to Britain not later than 125, when it was stationed briefly at Fort Fanum Cocidi (Bewcastle, Cumbria) and appears to have participated in the excavation of the so-called Vallum, a huge ditch running along the near side of Hadrian's Wall (constructed 122-8).

see also